martedì 1 giugno 2010


Old Civil Quarantia

The Quaranta, created by the Great Council seems already to late twelfth century, was the highest body of appeal of the Venetian state. Originally a single body made up of forty members with extensive powers, political and legislative. During the fifteenth century became the forty three, forty Criminal (for judgments in what we now call criminal), Old Civil Quarantia (for civil cases in the Venice area), New Civil Quarantia (for civil cases in the mainland).The hall was restored in the seventeenth century, but it still bears, ancient decoration, a fresco fragment visible near the entrance on the right. The paintings that are currently placed dates back seventeenth century.

Liago '

In the Venetian dialect "liagò means veranda or terrace enclosed by glass. This environment served as a meeting place for walking in the intervals of frequent meetings of the Grand Council. The paintings on the walls, dates back seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.There are three important sculptures here: Adam, Eve and the Portascudo. This original works designed to decorate the facades in the courtyard of the Palazzo Foscari These are masterpiece of Antonio Rizzo, made between 1462 and 1471.

Hall of Great Council
This is the largest room of the magnificent Palazzo Ducale, with its 53 meters long and 25 wide, is one of the largest in Europe. Here meetings were held in most state courts of Venice: the Grand Council a very old organization that was formed by all the Venetian nobles, regardless of prestige, the merits or wealth. Therefore, despite the Senate with the passage of time tended to be increasingly limited powers, it was always felt like the Republican bastion of the old equality. The Great Council had the right to monitor all magistrates and other state offices that when too went beyond their powers, were readily resized. The 1200-2000 nobles who were never ceased, in fact, feel the authentic custodians of state law, which derived all the other magistrates. In this room will also carry out the first stages of the election of the Doge who continued in that vote.The procedures were very long and complex to prevent electoral fraud.
Every Sunday, the sound of the bell of San Marco, the members met under the chairmanship of the Doge who was sitting in the middle of the platform, while the council seats occupied by length of the room in double file, giving himself over the schiena.Ristrutturata fourteenth century, was decorated by Guariento from the picture we saw the remains and works of famous artists. In December 1577, a fire hall in nearby Poll of the destroyed, severely damaging the structure ofroom. Was then initiated a decoration that involved artists such as Veronese saw, James and the surrender of Constantinople. Palma il Giovane, according to a program that provided the wall episodes of Venetian history, with particular reference to relations with the Papacy and the Empire, the deeds of citizens on the ceiling values and virtues, while the central space was reserved for the glorification of the Republic. The twelve paintings side, six on each side, reminiscent of special acts of bravery or war incidents occurring along the arc of the city's history. Just below the ceiling runs a frieze of portraits of the first seventy-six Doges of the Venetian history (the others are in the hall of Scrutiny). These are imaginary portraits, as those prior to 1577 were destroyed in the fire, but commissioned Jacopo Tintoretto performed largely by his son Domenico. Cartouche on each Doge holding shows the most important works of his reign.The Doge Marin Faliero, who attempted a coup in 1355, is represented by a black cloth: Sentenced to life in beheading and damnatio memoriae, ie the total cancellation of his name and his image, as a traitor dell'istituzionen Republican.
Along one wall, behind the throne, stands the largest canvas in the world, heaven, made by Jacopo Tintoretto and his workshop between 1588 and 1592 instead of the fresco of Guariento

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